PRESS RELEASE: Del. Carr Writes to the Governor, Calls for Delay in New Telework Policy for State Employees


For Immediate Release

Contact: Olivia Garrett

Call: 804-396-2943

May 20, 2022


Del. Carr Writes to the Governor, Calls for Delay in New Telework Policy for State Employees


Richmond – Delegate Betsy B. Carr (D-69) sent a letter to Governor Youngkin expressing her strong concerns about the Governor’s precipitous return to work policy for state employees.

In the letter, Delegate Carr said, “While I agree that clear guidance will ultimately benefit the state workforce and Virginians, I am concerned that the recent and relatively sudden announcement of changes to the teleworking policies applicable to state employees may have the unintended consequence of lowering morale within the workforce and pushing some of our best and brightest employees out of public service.

In particular, I have spoken with a great number of state employees who are also working parents.  The relatively short timeframe for transitioning into a more consistent in-office work environment has left many of these individuals scrambling to find safe and adequate childcare for their children—at a time when childcare is more difficult than ever to secure.”

She also requested consideration of increased flexibility to agency heads to determine which roles can be performed remotely and which employees have a demonstrated track record of remote performance.

In the letter, Delegate Carr explains that many large private employers in Richmond have adopted telework policies that are more flexible and offer more competitive compensation.

Finally, she requests that the governor slow the return date so that employees can make adequate plans and our Commonwealth can retain our best and brightest public servants.



Paid for and Authorized by Carr for Delegate

Virginia Mercury on HB647, Packaging Stewardship Program and Fund

The bills — put forward by Dels. Betsy Carr, D-Richmond; Mark Keam, D-Fairfax; and  Alfonso Lopez, D-Arlington — would have set up a Packaging Stewardship Program and fund that starting on Jan. 1, 2023 would have required larger manufacturers to pay an annual fee to the Department of Environmental Quality based on the amount of packaging they use. All included exemptions for smaller producers and fee offsets for companies with alternative collection programs. 

“At this point, consumers are responsible for recycling,” Carr told the subcommittee Wednesday. “What this bill does is try to equalize [the cost] between the manufacturers and the consumers so that both have some responsibility.” 

JMU takes Sun Belt plan to General Assembly

“I think it’s a great opportunity for JMU,” said Delegate Betsy Carr.

Carr said JMU had to present the plan because of a law passed a few years ago.

Old Dominion University, which made the same move years ago, had to go through the same process. Their president spoke at the meeting, saying he fully supports JMU’s decision to pursue the transition.

The move will take a few years and will begin July 1, 2022.
— Kayla Brooks, WHSV3